Today’s Spiritual Insight

Each day I will pick up your cards to give you an idea of what your day might look like today.  If you don’t like what it has to say, maybe changing your mindset to something more positive or taking some sort of action will give you a better outlook.  If the card is good, then keep the path you’re on.

Inner Voice

The Inner Voice speaks not in words but in the worldless language of the heart. It is like an oracle who only speaks the truth.

There are times in our lives where too many voices seem to be pulling us this and that. Our very confusion in such situation is reminder to seek silence and centering within. Only then we are be able to hear our truth.

Want to know more about the Tarot?  Well, probably the best way is to have a reading.  Or if you'd like to learn how to read the Tarot yourself I do offer some lovely courses.  Alternatively, if you enjoyed what you just read you can read more like it over on my blog.

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